Needs and Projects

Feeling-BetterMugonero Hospital is dedicated to serving the people of Rwanda.

Listed in order of priority are our major projects.

  1. Water system
  2. Laundry
  3. Rehabilitation and maintenance of the hospital buildings
  4. Equipment & Medical supplies
  5. Cooking area
  6. Toilets & Bathrooms
  7. Hospital reception and Emergency room
  8. In-service training
  9. English language classes
  10. Volunteers program
  11. Nursing School

Water supply

Water supply, storage and distribution is one of Mugonero Hospital’s most urgent needs. Presently most of the hospital does not have running water and the plumbing that does exist is antiquated and inadequate. It is necessary to review and rebuild the entire system from the water source to the internal plumbing at the hospital. The water source is far, with deteriorated and clogged pipes reducing the water flow to inadequate levels. A water reservoir is needed to capture the season rainfall and provide a more stable water supply for the hospital. Sinks and faucets throughout the hospital are damaged, with some rendered unless.


  • Improve water captivation and transport piping to the hospital
  • Build a large water reservoir on the hospital grounds
  • Recuperate old pipes wherever possible
  • Installation of new pipes, sinks, taps, etc.
  • Adequate supervision, control and maintenance
  • Training of personnel to install, control and maintain the system


The laundry building is badly deteriorated. Washing is done manually using 3 bathtubs without appropriate water recycling. All laundry is air dried with long rainy seasons hindering the drying of the linens. High exposure of personnel to contaminated linens and clothes due to lack of adequate protection (gloves, aprons).


  •  Industrial washing machine
  • Industrial drier
  • Solar heating water system
  • New laundry building (or, if possible, restoration of the current building)
  • Protective apparel for personnel (rubber gloves, impermeable aprons, etc.)
  • Training of personnel

Important Information: Rwanda Electric Power is 220-230V at 50 Hz

Hospital maintenance

Either due to natural wear or lack of appropriate maintenance the hospital faces many serious problems caused by the deterioration of buildings, infrastructure, equipment and vehicles.

The hospital has staff of one maintenance person responsible for the entire hospital.


  • Restoration and rehabilitation of the main hospital buildings

Important Information: Rwanda Electric Power is 220-230V at 50 Hz

Equipment and medical supplies

There is a major need for equipment in all hospital departments. Much of this equipment is either unavailable in Rwanda or financially out of reach.


  • Build a new kitchen (cooking area). Cooking stoves more energy efficient (fuel used: wood or charcoal)


There are no proper bathrooms and toilets inside the hospital. Patient’s toilets are located outside the hospital with no sheltered access and are in very precarious conditions. There is recurring overflow of sewage due inexistence of adequate septic tanks.


  • Build new bathrooms and toilets with proper septic system.

Reception and emergency room

The hospital has no reception area. The process of admission is done directly at the nursing stations of the different wards. No space for waiting area. This is more inconvenient during the long rainy seasons.

There is no area assigned to receive and treat emergency patients. The patients are sent directly to the wards or operating room.


  • Build an area for the main reception of the hospital, as well as for patient registration, cashier, etc.
  • Build area for emergency service: doctors office, examining rooms, observation rooms, minor operations room.
  • Reception area equipment & furniture

Maternity-Ward2In-service training for nurses

A major goal of Mugonero Hospital is to create opportunities and programs to upgrade the technical knowledge and qualifications of our nurses and medical aids. Most of our nurses have no external access to professional meetings, seminaries or lectures which would keep their practical knowledge updated.


  • Develop a program of in-service training for nurses and other professionals
  • Establish the hospital medical library
  • Acquire books, magazines, Audio & Video materials containing basic and advanced instructions for nurses and other professionals of the hospital.
  • Invite professional volunteers from abroad to visit the hospital and participate in this in-service training program.

English classes for hospital workers

Rwanda’s national official language is Kinyarwanda spoken by everyone in the villages and cities. For decades, French has been the official foreign language which has been used in official documents and reports, inclusive in the hospitals. This was the language used in the hospitals for all data recording. But, last year the Government issued a decree determining that from January 1, 2009 on, the English language would replace French as the nation’ second official language.   Now, the government is demanding that all professionals learn, speak and write in English. But, apparently no provision was made for teaching English to the people.

Thus, the hospital still uses French forms and charts. The doctors and nurses try some words in English but in the end they revert to French and Kinyarwanda. It is like a Tower of Babel in miniature.

The workers are pleading for some English classes, but it is very difficult to find someone capable of teaching them. I am searching for volunteers to come and teach them.


  • Permanent basic English classes for hospital workers
  • Volunteers English teachers
  • Books and teaching material

Nursing school

For decades the hospital had a secondary (A2) level nursing school. Some years ago, unable to upgrade to A1 level as required by the new national policy, the school was closed. The hospital is having difficulty finding a qualified register nurse to fulfill the requirements needed for the A1 level certification. Providing a nursing program is one of our highest priorities.


  • Reopen the Nursing School with A1 level (registered nurse) according to the new policies of the Government of Rwanda.
  • Volunteer nurse to help to plan and if possible to implement this project.


The hospital suffers from a shortage of experienced and qualified professionals in most of our departments.


  • Volunteers from abroad to give support and training in different departments.
  • Main available positions:
    • Maintenance Manager
    • English teacher
    • Orthopedic surgeon
    • Physicians: Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, OB/GYN
    • Architect, Builder
    • Med Tech
    • Nurses
    • Accountant
    • IT Expert
    • Any professionals or students willing to help any other area of the hospital

Mugonero Hospital welcomes volunteers from around the globe.

We invite you to visit our Volunteer web page if you are interested in finding out how to help.